
Apple II Unidisk illness

My lovely Unidisk is broken… Lets take a look

Mac Plus Keyboard repair – Pt2

Mac Plus keyboard in the wars again. Can it be recovered back to something approaching usable?

BBC B – Ashtray repair

It is certainly annoying when the BBC Micro ashtray cover is removed/compromised. It is just a thin[…]

PC to Dos to Mac software transfer

Is there an easier way to transfer files between a PC in the modern world to an[…]

Wyse Terminal – An amber raspberry

Amber terminal with a Pi? The best combination of retro and modern

Software and Utilities

A bunch of new scripts added to the library. Hopefully something useful for you guys! Added a[…]

Mac Classic – Fixed display!

Another crack at the dodgy display of the Mac Plus…

CGA In the modern world

Connecting a CGA monitor to something flat, modern and does not generate ozone… hmmm…

Mac PowerBook – Universal power supply

A ‘normal’ power supply to a retro exotic Apple connector? Lets have a look and see if[…]